
In my opinion, bitcoin is the most superior form of money ever created. Money can be understood as a record between individuals, and bitcoin is merely a fair, incorruptible record that we can unanimously agree upon and trust.

Bitcoin possesses many remarkable properties - here are just a few:

  • The total supply of bitcoin is finite and verifiable by all. While governments continually issue additional units of currency, debasing the purchasing power of savers, bitcoin's total supply will never exceed 21 million units, making it an effective store of value over extended periods of time.

  • Bitcoin cannot be manipulated by any individual, corporation, or government. The network is secured by volunteers who expend computing power and electricity in exchange for newly minted bitcoin and transaction fees. Adhering to bitcoin's rules is profitable, whereas attacking the network is self-defeating and unsustainable.

  • Bitcoin can be sent and received across the internet, 24/7, without the need for trust in any intermediaries.

  • A bitcoin transaction cannot be censored, altered, or reversed.

  • Bitcoin cannot be seized against one's will. If the private key is secure, the funds cannot be spent by anyone except the rightful owner.

A few of my favorite bitcoin resources: